Comparing LapisLazuli to Iamlegend

Mismatched responses

Poll LapisLazuli Iamlegend
Do you believe in the soul? Not Sure Yes
Plants have souls Disagree Agree
Civilization is fragile and can collapse any time Agree Disagree
The 9/11 was an inside job Disagree Not Sure
There is intelligent extraterrestrial life Agree Not Sure
Telekinesis is real Not Sure Disagree
Do you floss? No Sometimes
Do you think most people are smarter than you? Not Sure No
America is great Not Sure Disagree
Do you believe in fairies? Not Sure No
Do you believe in elves? Not Sure No
Do you believe in ghosts? Not Sure No
How do you get to work? Carpool Transit
Do you like watching sports? No Sometimes
Do you enjoy cooking? Yes Sometimes
Do you speak Russian? No A little
Machines can think Not Sure Disagree
How do you like Oiam? ★★★★ ★★★