Comparing Reddybv to Krishna Kumar

Mismatched responses

Poll Reddybv Krishna Kumar
Do you believe in Santa Claus? Yes No
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes No
Machines can have feelings Agree Disagree
Civilization is fragile and can collapse any time Agree Disagree
Plants have souls Agree Disagree
There is extraterrestrial life Agree Disagree
Have you ever had a "Baby Onboard" sticker on your car? Yes No
There is life after death Agree Disagree
The 9/11 was an inside job Not Sure Disagree
Do you believe in fairies? No Yes
Free will is an illusion Not Sure Disagree
The best way to deal with terrorism is Not sure Education
Philosophy and religion serve the same purpose Not Sure Disagree
All education should be private Not Sure Disagree
Christians invented morality Not Sure Agree
Capitalism is driven only by greed Not Sure Agree
Machines can be smarter than people Agree Disagree
Family is the most important thing in life Agree Disagree
America is great Not Sure Agree
Telepathy is real Not Sure Disagree
It is acceptable for people to modify their DNA Not Sure Disagree
Do you need caffeine to function? Sometimes Yes
Are you worried about machines turning against us? Sometimes No
Machines can think Not Sure Disagree
Americans never landed on the moon Not Sure Disagree
Access to guns should be controlled Not Sure Agree
Climate change is a hoax Not Sure Disagree
There is no such thing as free will Not Sure Agree
Islam is evil Not Sure Agree
A democratically elected government has absolute power Not Sure Disagree
17-year-olds should be able to vote in elections Not Sure Disagree
Qualia are a red herring Not Sure Agree
Star Wars: The Force Awakens ★★★★★ ★★★★