Comparing Charlie to AstralProjection

Matching responses

Poll Response
Women are as competent as men in any profession Agree
Gun ownership should be strictly controlled Agree
Death penalty must be stopped Agree
Access to guns should be controlled Agree
Donald Trump is a moron Agree
The rich should pay more taxes on capital gains Agree
University should be free Agree
Advertising should be regulated Agree
Do you drink alcohol? Yes
Relentless pursuit of economic growth is misguided Agree
Public transit should be subsidised by the government Agree
Private schools should be subsidised Disagree
It should always be clear which political party is responsible for government decisions Agree
There are no useless people Agree
Can artificial intelligence dominate humanity? Yes
Free will is an illusion Disagree
Terrorism is sometimes justified Disagree
Pedophiles are perverts Agree
Private schools undermine the public school system Agree
Capital punishment is barbaric Agree
Life is too short to floss Agree
Humanity should colonise Mars Agree
All schoolchildren should start off the school day by singing the national anthem Disagree
There is no such thing as free will Disagree
Are you a dreamer? Yes
Global warming is caused by humans Agree
Do you want to live forever? No
Do you support stem cell research? Yes
Psychics are conmen Agree
Capitalism is driven only by greed Agree
Social justice is overrated Disagree
Capital punishment should be abolished Agree
Immigrants are good for economy Agree
Free speech implies the right to offend Agree
Do you read newspapers? No
The government has a responsibility for the less fortunate Agree
The rich should pay more taxes Agree
Climate change is real Agree
Climate change is caused by mankind Agree
Islam is evil Disagree
Homosexuals are perverts Disagree
Rich people should pay more tax Agree
Smarts are more important than looks Agree
Russians are barbaric Agree
Have you ever preordered a game or a gadget? No
Do you believe in Santa Claus? No
Whenever you call someone you should introduce yourself Agree
Immigrants steal our jobs Disagree
Do you support charities? Yes
Qualia are a red herring Not Sure
Perverts should be locked up Agree
Do you socialise with older people? Yes
Modesty is still a virtue Agree
All education should be private Disagree
Women should concentrate on what they are best at: being pretty Disagree
Private schools are better than public Disagree
Do you like science? Yes
Home making deserves the same respect as a professional career Agree
Do you like to travel? Yes
Do you like shooting guns? No
Woman's place is at home Disagree
Healthcare should be subsidised Agree
Do you speak Russian? No
Plants have souls Disagree
Corporal punishment on wives is sometimes justified Disagree
You are either a winner or a loser Disagree
Do you exercise regularly? No
Do you enjoy competing with others? No
The Earth is flat Disagree
Machines can think Disagree
Absence of free will does not absolve one from responsibility for one's actions Agree
Climate change is a hoax Disagree
Global warming is real Agree
Atheism is not for everyone Agree
Are you afraid of death? No
Globalisation is ultimately good for everyone Disagree
CEOs are overpaid Agree
Animals have feelings Agree
Do you have favourite things? Yes
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
Are you scared of mathematics? Yes
Do you support minimum wage? Yes
Do you believe in fairies? No
Do you drink coffee? Yes
Life has no meaning Disagree
How do you like Oiam? ★★★
Do you think most people are smarter than you? Yes

Mismatched responses

Poll Charlie AstralProjection
One should have the right to hold guns Disagree Agree
America is great Disagree Agree
Civilization is fragile and can collapse any time Not Sure Agree
Philosophy and religion serve the same purpose Disagree Agree
Do you believe the theory of evolution? Not Sure Yes
The right to vote should be based on where you pay taxes Not Sure Agree
Only absolute majority gives absolute democratic power Agree Not Sure
No taxation without representation Not Sure Agree
The best way to deal with terrorism is Not sure Dialogue
Immigrants are more entrepreneurial than average Not Sure Agree
Do you consider yourself a patriot? Not Sure Yes
Science and reason are the only way to be sure of anything. Disagree Agree
Do you enjoy cooking? Yes No
Are you happy? No Yes
Democracy is doomed Not Sure Disagree
There is no evil, only stupidity Disagree Not Sure
Are you an introvert or extrovert? Not sure Introvert
Are you worried about machines turning against us? No Yes
Do you believe in the soul? Yes No
Dictatorship can be better than democracy Not Sure Disagree
Americans never landed on the moon Not Sure Disagree
Do you listen to radio? Sometimes Yes
Machines can have feelings Not Sure Disagree
Euthanasia should be legal Disagree Agree
Morality is a religious construct Not Sure Disagree
Are good and evil objective concepts? Yes No
Read or watch Watch Read
Abortion should be legal Disagree Agree
Private schools are good value for money Not Sure Disagree
The 9/11 was an inside job Not Sure Disagree
There is intelligent extraterrestrial life Agree Not Sure
How often do you shower? Every day Several times a week
Telekinesis is real Not Sure Disagree
Do you like watching sports? Yes Sometimes
Liberals are cynics Not Sure Disagree
Do you shop online? Yes No
All drugs should be legalised Not Sure Agree
Have you ever had a "Baby Onboard" sticker on your car? Yes No
Do you floss? Sometimes No
How do you get to work? Transit Drive
Russians are incapable of democracy Not Sure Disagree
Space exploration is necessary for the preservation of life Not Sure Disagree
Family is the most important thing in life Not Sure Disagree
Do you believe in God? Yes No
The risks posed by nuclear energy are acceptable Disagree Not Sure
Politicians are liars Agree Not Sure
Machines can be smarter than people Agree Not Sure
Science is the only path to the truth Disagree Agree
Family is sacred Agree Disagree
Some dictatorships are good Not Sure Disagree
Christians invented morality Agree Disagree
Star Wars: The Force Awakens ★★★★★ ★★★
Customers are responsible for not getting scammed Agree Disagree
Do you like watching sport? Yes No
Do you believe in Satan? Yes No
People should live where they are born Not Sure Disagree
Politics and diplomacy are all about power Not Sure Agree
17-year-olds should be able to vote in elections Agree Not Sure
Do you enjoy manual work? Yes Sometimes
There is extraterrestrial life Agree Not Sure