Comparing Dr Slim to Rakesh Kumar

Mismatched responses

Poll Dr Slim Rakesh Kumar
Do you download movies or music illegally? No Yes
How many vacations do you take per year? 1 - 2 None
Do you enjoy manual work? Sometimes Yes
Do you like opera? No Yes
Do you need caffeine to function? Sometimes No
Do you play tennis? Sometimes No
Free will is an illusion Agree Not Sure
Government must never run a budget deficit Disagree Not Sure
Philosophy and religion serve the same purpose Agree Not Sure
Some people are more conscious than others Agree Not Sure
The Earth was created 6000 years ago Disagree Not Sure
Plants have souls Disagree Not Sure
Do you support gay marriage? No Not Sure
Telepathy is real Disagree Not Sure
Private schools are good value for money Disagree Not Sure
The best way to deal with terrorism is Education Not sure
Homeopathy deserves serious consideration from science Disagree Not Sure
There is no such thing as free will Agree Not Sure
Human embryos are less deserving of protection than some animals Agree Not Sure
Animals have souls Disagree Not Sure
Corporations should pay no tax Agree Not Sure
Private schools should be subsidised Disagree Not Sure
The 9/11 was an inside job Disagree Not Sure
There is intelligent extraterrestrial life Agree Not Sure
Machines can have feelings Agree Not Sure
Capitalism is driven only by greed Agree Not Sure
All education should be private Disagree Not Sure
Women should concentrate on what they are best at: being pretty Disagree Not Sure
How do you get to work? Bike I don't go to work
Are you worried about machines turning against us? No Sometimes
Americans never landed on the moon Disagree Not Sure
Science is overrated Disagree Not Sure
Genetically modified organisms should be banned Disagree Not Sure
Climate change is a hoax Disagree Not Sure
Islam is evil Disagree Not Sure
Do you believe in destiny? No Not Sure
There is life after death Disagree Not Sure
Do you believe in elves? No Not Sure
Elvis is still alive Disagree Not Sure
Women are as competent as men in any profession Disagree Not Sure
Education should be free Agree Not Sure
Do you believe in Santa Claus? No Not Sure
It is acceptable for people to modify their DNA Agree Not Sure
Consciousness is epiphenomenal Agree Not Sure
Qualia are a red herring Agree Not Sure
How often do you check social media? Many times a day Once a day
It's ok to generalise Agree Not Sure
Do you like shooting guns? No Not Sure
Animal Farm ★★★★★ ★★★
The Earth is flat Disagree Not Sure
Family is the most important thing in life Agree Not Sure
Woman's place is at home Disagree Not Sure
America is great Disagree Not Sure
You are either a winner or a loser Disagree Not Sure
Can artificial intelligence dominate humanity? Yes Not Sure
Machines can be smarter than people Agree Not Sure
Machines can think Agree Not Sure
Globalisation is ultimately good for everyone Agree Not Sure
Do you exercise regularly? Yes Sometimes
Christians invented morality Disagree Not Sure
Some dictatorships are good Disagree Not Sure
People should live where they are born Disagree Not Sure
Do you believe in fairies? No Not Sure
Do you believe in ghosts? No Not Sure
How do you like Oiam? ★★★★ ★★★
A democratically elected government has absolute power Disagree Not Sure
Do you think most people are smarter than you? No Not Sure
17-year-olds should be able to vote in elections Disagree Not Sure
People often misunderstand you Disagree Not Sure
There is extraterrestrial life Agree Not Sure