Comparing wasabi to Lizz94

Matching responses

Poll Response
Gay couples should be allowed to bring up children Agree
Women are as competent as men in any profession Agree
Read or listen Read
Do you support gay marriage? Yes
Video games encourage violence Agree
The government has a responsibility for the less fortunate Agree
I like to push myself to improve Agree
Free will is an illusion Disagree
Do you own a gun? No
Corporations should pay no tax Disagree
There is no point in searching for the meaning of life Disagree
Do you like seafood? Yes
Life has a purpose Agree
Telekinesis is real Disagree
Happiness is enjoying what one has Agree
Science is overrated Disagree
Immigrants steal our jobs Disagree
Do you tend to put chores off Sometimes
Arranged marriages are no worse than marriages of love Disagree
There is no such thing as free will Disagree
Are you envious of other people's possessions? No
Human embryos are less deserving of protection than some animals Disagree
Private schools should be subsidised Disagree
The Earth was created 6000 years ago Disagree
The best way to deal with terrorism is Education
All education should be private Disagree
Women should concentrate on what they are best at: being pretty Disagree
Do you believe in fairies? No
Do you believe in ghosts? No
In any large organization there should always be at least as many women in leadership roles as there are men Agree
It is important to learn throughout life Agree
Free market is a solution to all regulation Disagree
Are you afraid of robots? No
Can artificial intelligence dominate humanity? No
Are you worried about machines turning against us? No
Do you allow things to pile up? Sometimes
The best things in life are free Agree
Americans never landed on the moon Disagree
Do you read newspapers? Sometimes
Christians invented morality Disagree
Do you believe in elves? No
Climate change is a hoax Disagree
Islam is evil Disagree
Do you believe in destiny? No
Have you ever preordered a game or a gadget? No
Genetically modified organisms should be banned Disagree
Do you play tennis? No
Morality is a religious construct Disagree
Life is pointless Disagree
Do you play video games? No
Corporal punishment on children is sometimes justified Disagree
Civilization is fragile and can collapse any time Not Sure
There is intelligent extraterrestrial life Not Sure
How many vacations do you take per year? 1 - 2
Chiropractors are quacks Not Sure
Proportional representation is better than first-past-the-post Not Sure
Do you like watching sports? Sometimes
How often do you check social media? Many times a day
Qualia are a red herring Not Sure
Plants have souls Disagree
Do you like shooting guns? No
All drugs should be legalised Disagree
Cold shower Have hot shower
Have you ever had a "Baby Onboard" sticker on your car? No
It's ok to generalise Disagree
Society would be better off if people were more religious Disagree
Aliens have visited Earth Not Sure
How many countries have you visited? 3 - 5
Only you exist, the rest is just a show. Disagree
What is your sex? Female
Do you plan your career? Yes
Woman's place is at home Disagree
Family is the most important thing in life Not Sure
Do you use hard drugs? No
Do you speak Russian? No
Do you tend to put things off or prefer to do get them done right away? No
The rich should pay more taxes Agree
Animals have souls Not Sure
Roger Penrose is a mystic Not Sure
One should have the right to hold guns Disagree
Elvis is still alive Disagree
The Earth is flat Disagree
Do you need caffeine to function? Sometimes
Stoicism doesn't get you anywhere Not Sure
It is acceptable for people to modify their DNA Not Sure
Do you like animals? Yes
Do you like opera? Sometimes
Zoos should be banned Disagree
Do you believe in Satan? No
Are you a hypochondriac? No
Marriage should only be between a man and a woman Disagree
People should live where they are born Disagree
Morality is a universal truth discovered through rationality Agree
Do you like to travel? Yes
A democratically elected government has absolute power Disagree
Do you think most people are smarter than you? No
17-year-olds should be able to vote in elections Disagree
In the future there will be no borders or countries Not Sure
There is extraterrestrial life Not Sure

Mismatched responses

Poll wasabi Lizz94
Telepathy is real Agree Disagree
Homeopathy deserves serious consideration from science Agree Disagree
Consciousness is epiphenomenal Agree Not Sure
Do you exercise regularly? Yes Sometimes
People often misunderstand you Agree Disagree
You are either a winner or a loser Agree Disagree
Some human races are more predisposed to violence Agree Disagree
Some dictatorships are good Agree Disagree
Some people are more conscious than others Agree Disagree
Human cloning should be banned Agree Disagree
Life has no meaning Disagree Not Sure
Which of the following best describes your occupation? Student Intermediate management
Are you an introvert or extrovert? Not sure Extrovert
I tend to buy the premium version of a product Not Sure Disagree
The meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness Not Sure Agree
Are you an optimist? Sometimes Yes
Science is invented, not discovered Disagree Not Sure
Do you consider yourself a patriot? Not Sure Yes
Do you believe in the soul? Not Sure No
Democracy is doomed Not Sure Disagree
The effects of climate change are exaggerated Agree Disagree
Do you like classical music? Yes No
What is your employment status? Student Employed full-time
Some people are more self-aware than others Agree Disagree
Do you like musicals? Yes Sometimes
Does getting old bother you? Sometimes Yes
Philosophy and religion serve the same purpose Disagree Not Sure
Terrorism is sometimes justified Not Sure Disagree
Customers are responsible for not getting scammed Agree Disagree
The right to vote should be based on where you pay taxes Not Sure Agree
Do you like watching sport? Yes No
Do you floss? Sometimes Yes
Capitalism is driven only by greed Disagree Agree
Do you like talking about religion? Sometimes No
Machines can have feelings Disagree Not Sure
There is life after death Disagree Not Sure
Drug rehabilitation treatment should not be covered by welfare Not Sure Disagree
Do you believe horoscopes? Sometimes No
Do you believe in Santa Claus? Not Sure No
Private schools are good value for money Not Sure Disagree
Abortion should be legal Not Sure Agree
Education is the only cause worth giving to Not Sure Disagree
The 9/11 was an inside job Not Sure Disagree
Science and reason are the only way to be sure of anything. Disagree Agree
Liberals are cynics Not Sure Disagree
Animal Farm ★★★ ★★★★
Do you like sci-fi? Yes No
How do you like your steak? Medium rare Medium well done
Immigrants are good for economy Not Sure Agree
Nuclear energy is indispensable in combating greenhouse emissions Not Sure Disagree
Private schools are better than public Not Sure Disagree
How do you get to work? Transit Drive
Do you download movies or music illegally? Sometimes No
Do you do New Year's resolutions? No Yes
What is your highest level of education? University degree Post-graduate degree
The extent to which white people are privileged over other groups is exaggerated Agree Disagree
Brexit is good for the U.K. Not Sure Disagree
What age group do you fall into? 18 - 24 45 - 54
In what type of business or industry do you work? Other Education
One should not believe anything against evidence Not Sure Agree
Can you ride a bicycle? No Yes
Are you a pessimist? Sometimes No
The future is fixed, we just don't know what it is. Disagree Not Sure
Are you an idealist? Not Sure Yes
Machines can think Disagree Not Sure
Machines can be smarter than people Disagree Not Sure
Science is the only path to the truth Disagree Agree
Education should be free Not Sure Agree
Star Wars: The Force Awakens ★★★★ ★★★
America is great Not Sure Disagree
Do you enjoy competing with others? No Yes
Can you ski? No Yes
On average women are better at people management than men Not Sure Agree
Private healthcare should be banned Disagree Agree
Indigenous people should have special rights Disagree Agree
Government must never run a budget deficit Not Sure Disagree
There are no useless people Disagree Agree
How much you pay in taxes should be public Disagree Not Sure
Globalisation is ultimately good for everyone Not Sure Disagree
Everyone should make roughly the same amount of money Disagree Agree
How often do you access news? Several times a week Once a day
Morality is relative Agree Disagree
Do you like electronic music? Sometimes No
People should feel free to use the earth's resources as they see fit Not Sure Disagree
Local news are not interesting Not Sure Disagree
There is absolute morality Not Sure Agree
Do you have children? No Yes
Can you roller-skate? No Yes
How do you like Oiam? ★★★★ ★★★
How do you live? Single living with housemates In a partnership, with children
Do you like to cook? Sometimes Yes