Comparing Vikasmanda to Lizz94

Mismatched responses

Poll Vikasmanda Lizz94
Women should concentrate on what they are best at: being pretty Agree Disagree
People should live where they are born Agree Disagree
Private schools are good value for money Agree Disagree
Americans never landed on the moon Agree Disagree
Machines can think Disagree Not Sure
Qualia are a red herring Disagree Not Sure
Do you floss? Sometimes Yes
Star Wars: The Force Awakens ★★★★ ★★★
How do you get to work? I don't go to work Drive
How do you like Oiam? ★★★★★ ★★★
Machines can have feelings Disagree Not Sure
The best way to deal with terrorism is Dialogue Education
Do you need caffeine to function? No Sometimes