Comparing Durgateja1710248 to Dr Slim

Mismatched responses

Poll Durgateja1710248 Dr Slim
Do you believe in Santa Claus? Yes No
The 9/11 was an inside job Agree Disagree
Do you believe in elves? Yes No
All education should be private Agree Disagree
Women are as competent as men in any profession Agree Disagree
Private schools are good value for money Agree Disagree
Christians invented morality Agree Disagree
Civilization is fragile and can collapse any time Agree Not Sure
Women should concentrate on what they are best at: being pretty Agree Disagree
Do you floss? Yes No
Plants have souls Agree Disagree
Have you ever had a "Baby Onboard" sticker on your car? Yes No
How do you get to work? Walk Bike
Homeopathy deserves serious consideration from science Agree Disagree
The Earth was created 6000 years ago Not Sure Disagree
A democratically elected government has absolute power Agree Disagree
People should live where they are born Agree Disagree
Telepathy is real Agree Disagree
How many vacations do you take per year? 3+ 1 - 2
The best way to deal with terrorism is Travel restrictions Education
Animals have souls Agree Disagree
Corporations should pay no tax Not Sure Agree
Private schools should be subsidised Not Sure Disagree
Roger Penrose is a mystic Not Sure Agree
Does getting old bother you? Sometimes No
Do you need caffeine to function? No Sometimes
Do you believe in the soul? Not Sure No
Are you worried about machines turning against us? Sometimes No
Americans never landed on the moon Agree Disagree
Do you read newspapers? Yes No
17-year-olds should be able to vote in elections Agree Disagree
How do you like your steak? I don't eat steak Medium
Climate change is a hoax Agree Disagree
Islam is evil Agree Disagree
Free market is a solution to all regulation Not Sure Disagree
Elvis is still alive Not Sure Disagree
Do you believe horoscopes? Sometimes No
There is life after death Not Sure Disagree
Do you like to cook? Sometimes No
Star Wars: The Force Awakens ★★★★★ ★★★
Do you like shooting guns? Yes No
All drugs should be legalised Not Sure Agree
There is no objective ontology Not Sure Agree
How often do you check social media? Never Many times a day
Telekinesis is real Not Sure Disagree
There are no useless people Not Sure Disagree
It's ok to generalise Not Sure Agree
Do you play golf? Sometimes No
Only you exist, the rest is just a show. Not Sure Disagree
Are you a pessimist? Sometimes No
Woman's place is at home Agree Disagree
Gay couples should be allowed to bring up children Agree Not Sure
America is great Agree Disagree
Do you speak Russian? No A little
Are you afraid of robots? Yes No
Can artificial intelligence dominate humanity? Not Sure Yes
Machines can think Disagree Agree
Globalisation is ultimately good for everyone Not Sure Agree
Do you exercise regularly? Sometimes Yes
Indigenous people should have special rights Not Sure Disagree
Do you use hard drugs? Sometimes No
Do you like electronic music? Sometimes Yes
Are you a hypochondriac? Not Sure Yes
How do you like Oiam? ★★★★★ ★★★★
Do you think most people are smarter than you? Not Sure No
Capitalism is driven only by greed Not Sure Agree