Comparing ARIF ALI to flowerbook

Mismatched responses

Poll ARIF ALI flowerbook
The 9/11 was an inside job Agree Not Sure
All education should be private Agree Disagree
Capitalism is driven only by greed Agree Disagree
Private schools are good value for money Agree Not Sure
Qualia are a red herring Agree Not Sure
Telepathy is real Agree Not Sure
There is no such thing as free will Agree Not Sure
Free will is an illusion Agree Not Sure
Do you believe in the soul? Yes Not Sure
Do you like shooting guns? Yes No
Gun ownership should be strictly controlled Disagree Agree
The best way to deal with terrorism is Travel restrictions Not sure
Philosophy and religion serve the same purpose Disagree Not Sure
Some people are more conscious than others Disagree Not Sure
Civilization is fragile and can collapse any time Disagree Not Sure
There is intelligent extraterrestrial life Disagree Agree
Money helps to make you happy Disagree Not Sure
Immigrants are good for economy Disagree Agree
Advertising should be regulated Disagree Not Sure
Terrorism is sometimes justified Agree Disagree
Do you exercise regularly? Yes Sometimes
The Earth was created 6000 years ago Disagree Not Sure
Dictatorship can be better than democracy Agree Disagree
Do you play video games? No Occasionally
Do you believe in Santa Claus? No Not Sure
Machines can think Disagree Not Sure
Do you believe in fairies? No Not Sure
Can artificial intelligence dominate humanity? No Not Sure
University should be free Not Sure Agree
Global warming is real Not Sure Agree
Do you need caffeine to function? Sometimes Yes
Private schools are better than public Disagree Not Sure
How do you get to work? I don't go to work Walk
There are no useless people Not Sure Agree
Americans never landed on the moon Disagree Not Sure
It's ok to generalise Disagree Not Sure
Immigrants steal our jobs Not Sure Disagree
Do you believe in Satan? No Not Sure
Some dictatorships are good Not Sure Disagree
Access to guns should be controlled Not Sure Agree
Animals have feelings Not Sure Agree
Do you believe in ghosts? No Not Sure
Machines can have feelings Disagree Not Sure
People should live where they are born Not Sure Disagree
The Earth is flat Not Sure Disagree
Do you believe in God? Not Sure Yes
Women are as competent as men in any profession Disagree Agree
A democratically elected government has absolute power Not Sure Disagree
How do you like Oiam? ★★★★★ ★★★★
Woman's place is at home Not Sure Disagree
Abortion should be legal Disagree Not Sure