Comparing ARIF ALI to Puppet Master

Mismatched responses

Poll ARIF ALI Puppet Master
The 9/11 was an inside job Agree Disagree
All education should be private Agree Disagree
Private schools are good value for money Agree Disagree
Do you floss? Yes No
Capitalism is driven only by greed Agree Not Sure
Qualia are a red herring Agree Not Sure
Telepathy is real Agree Not Sure
There is no such thing as free will Agree Disagree
Human embryos are less deserving of protection than some animals Agree Disagree
Animals have souls Agree Disagree
Gun ownership should be strictly controlled Disagree Agree
Homosexuality is a disorder Not Sure Agree
It should always be clear which political party is responsible for government decisions Disagree Agree
Some people are more conscious than others Disagree Not Sure
There is intelligent extraterrestrial life Disagree Not Sure
Do you speak Russian? No A little
Experiments on human embryos are barbaric Not Sure Agree
The Earth was created 6000 years ago Disagree Not Sure
Public transit should be subsidised by the government Disagree Agree
Women can't expect to have motherhood and a career at the same time Disagree Agree
Do you want to live forever? No Yes
Terrorism is sometimes justified Agree Disagree
Social justice is overrated Not Sure Disagree
Advertising should be regulated Disagree Agree
Do you need caffeine to function? Sometimes No
Are you worried about machines turning against us? Sometimes Yes
Americans never landed on the moon Disagree Not Sure
Some dictatorships are good Not Sure Agree
Access to guns should be controlled Not Sure Agree
The government has a responsibility for the less fortunate Not Sure Agree
Science is overrated Not Sure Agree
Human cloning should be banned Disagree Agree
Homosexuals are perverts Disagree Agree
The state should provide subsidised employment instead of unemployment benefits Disagree Not Sure
Islam is evil Not Sure Agree
The right to vote should be based on where you pay taxes Not Sure Disagree
Have you ever preordered a game or a gadget? Not Sure No
Education should be free Disagree Not Sure
Corporal punishment on children is sometimes justified Disagree Agree
Global warming is real Not Sure Agree
It's ok to generalise Disagree Not Sure
Immigrants steal our jobs Not Sure Agree
Do you believe in Satan? No Yes
Do you support charities? No Yes
How do you get to work? I don't go to work Drive
Do you believe in God? Not Sure Yes
The risks posed by nuclear energy are acceptable Not Sure Disagree
Do you exercise regularly? Yes No
America is great Disagree Agree
You are either a winner or a loser Disagree Agree
The rich should pay more taxes on capital gains Not Sure Agree
Are you afraid of robots? No Yes
Can artificial intelligence dominate humanity? No Not Sure
Machines can think Disagree Not Sure
Machines can be smarter than people Not Sure Disagree
Animals have feelings Not Sure Disagree
Do you believe in ghosts? No Yes
People should live where they are born Not Sure Agree
National media is no place for reporting petty crime Disagree Agree
A democratically elected government has absolute power Not Sure Agree
How do you like Oiam? ★★★★★
17-year-olds should be able to vote in elections Not Sure Disagree
There is extraterrestrial life Disagree Not Sure