Sure, everyone is different and unique, but how much different? If your favourite ice cream is chocolate, are you more unique than someone who likes vanilla? What if you also love paragliding and believe in reincarnation? Are there many people just like you? This is what this website helps you find out, plus a few other things, like meeting people and discovering new ideas.

You can dive right in and look for discriminating qualities that interest you. They are much like multiple-choice questions. If you can't find the one you want, simply create it and let others answer it. Once you've answered a poll we immediately go looking for other people who answered it and how your answers compare. And then we see what other polls they have answered, and if those answers coincide with yours, and so on.

By comparing your views, values and preferences we can find people similar to you, gauge how similar they are and, conversely, how unique you are. Oiam® users are encouraged to stay anonymous, but you can contact or follow them to get to know them better. We will also suggest polls that could be interesting to you and encourage you to take part in forums attached to each of them.

These are only some of the features Oiam® has to offer, but if you've read this far, you probably want to see the rest instead of reading about it. So please let yourself in.

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