Comparing Reddybv to Faisal
Matching responses
Poll | Response |
People should live where they are born | Agree |
Private schools are good value for money | Agree |
Do you believe in ghosts? | Yes |
Do you floss? | Sometimes |
Do you speak Russian? | No |
Mismatched responses
Poll | Reddybv | Faisal |
How do you like Oiam? | ★★★★★ | ★ |
Christians invented morality | Not Sure | Agree |
America is great | Not Sure | Agree |
There is no such thing as free will | Not Sure | Agree |
Plants have souls | Agree | Disagree |
Machines can think | Not Sure | Disagree |
Women are as competent as men in any profession | Agree | Disagree |
Machines can have feelings | Agree | Disagree |
The 9/11 was an inside job | Not Sure | Disagree |